Tag: uthdyn
Vae Victis Swords for Hire: I like them
I resolved to contribute to this blog every time I reach for my phone to browse Reddit — a shocking amount. Much of that work is still in draft because it discusses a surprise I’m working on for my local gaming group. Meanwhile, check out these minis I put together from the Swords for Hire…
Nightwatch: Mystery at Heerselt Manor
With our second Nightwatch mission coming up this weekend, I’d like to share this report from our first mission written by Comrade Patrick. I wrote a little about hobby prep for it here. During that game I realized our collection of beastmen antagonists could use more ranged attackers, so I printed and painted some lovely…
Building badlands terrain for Nightwatch
Markgraf von Hattendorf has hired you to put an end to the recent brutal raids on his hinterland settlements. With that scenario pitch, my local group started preparing for Nightwatch, a cooperative skirmish monster hunting wargame. We have played a couple scenarios before, but this will be our first full seven-game “long hunt.” The hunting…
Age of Fantasy battle report and hobby response
Report I played a game of Age of Fantasy with Comrade Patrick and our friend Vince. Patrick shows off his excellent chaos hordes army and describes the drama that happened on the tabletop. Check out his report, linked below. He also discusses how the rules supported the experience. I have only to add that I…
Mustering for Fantastic Battles
I intend to play small-scale mass battles again soon, thanks to the miracles of 3d printing and digital print-on-demand publishing. This started when I first saw Forest Dragon’s beautiful 10mm digital sculpts. After snatching up files for a pair of opposing armies, I hunted around the web for suitable rulesets. There are several good options…
Majesticon Day 1: Nightwatch and Open Combat
Circumstances permitted me to host a two-day skirmish wargaming extravaganza! Comrade Patrick reports. Hullo dear reader! I’m back after an uncharacteristic pause on this here blog. It’s been a busy summer without a lot of time for gaming, I’m afraid. But now that the days are getting shorter and the autumn winds are picking up,…
Mustering my SAGA troops for Oathmark
I plan to give Oathmark a try. With a SAGA: Age of Magic Great Kingdoms warband more or less finished and materials for a second The Horde warband on sprues, I decided to combine them into a rare alliance between the squabbling barons of Glostmurk in our homebrew world of Uthdyn. These petty nobles united…