Tag: Stargrave

  • Stargrave Quarantine 37: Hydroponics Bay

    Stargrave Quarantine 37: Hydroponics Bay

    Our crews were ambushed by Alien Bugs while scavenging the hydroponics bay of a derelict space station. Players and crews Paul brought over his Stargrave crew The Bareaga Rangers and a big tray of tyranids from his enormous collection. I could tell from the gleam in his eye that he was thrilled at the chance…

  • Stargrave Crew: Fletcher’s Fetchers

    Stargrave Crew: Fletcher’s Fetchers

    A Stargrave crew long overdue I printed and painted a Stargrave crew a few years ago, and it occupied a shelf since then. When we kicked off our miraculous Stargrave campaign, I seized the chance to recall them to active duty. You may have seen some of them in my solo game write up, but…

  • Miraculous Stargrave Campaign

    Miraculous Stargrave Campaign

    My surprise wish fulfillment. Having enjoyed our group’s earlier Frostgrave campaign, I once gleefully pre-ordered Stargrave as soon as it was available. Alas, when the book arrived the group’s interests had wandered elsewhere. I found myself shelving Stargrave after only a single solo game, but couldn’t resist buying and reading all its subsequent expansions over…

  • Stargrave Dead or Alive: pursuit of Tamix Phage

    Stargrave Dead or Alive: pursuit of Tamix Phage

    In my first ever game of Stargrave, the crew of the Errant Wanderer chased down a bounty named Tamix Phage in a solo scenario from the free Dead or Alive mini-expansion. Dead or Alive gives rules for randomly generating various bounty hunting jobs your crew can embark on, with special rules for using decision trees…

  • Stargrave Crew: The Reclaimers

    Stargrave Crew: The Reclaimers

    I just finished painting my Stargrave Crew! Let me show you. Stargrave In a galaxy torn apart by the Last War, vast pirate fleets roam from system to system, robbing, extorting, and enslaving. Amidst this chaos, thousands of independent operators – smugglers, relic hunters, freedom fighters, and mercenaries – roam the dead stars in small…