Tag: Hobby

  • Age of Fantasy battle report and hobby response

    Age of Fantasy battle report and hobby response

    Report I played a game of Age of Fantasy with Comrade Patrick and our friend Vince. Patrick shows off his excellent chaos hordes army and describes the drama that happened on the tabletop. Check out his report, linked below. He also discusses how the rules supported the experience. I have only to add that I…

  • Mustering for Fantastic Battles

    Mustering for Fantastic Battles

    I intend to play small-scale mass battles again soon, thanks to the miracles of 3d printing and digital print-on-demand publishing. This started when I first saw Forest Dragon’s beautiful 10mm digital sculpts. After snatching up files for a pair of opposing armies, I hunted around the web for suitable rulesets. There are several good options…

  • Grimdark Future: The Infected City

    Grimdark Future: The Infected City

    Comrade Patrick shares a battle report of last weekend’s game of Grimdark Future Firefight! We had four players forming two teams with 600 pts per side – quite a Sunday afternoon brawl! We’ve been dipping a toe into the wonderful, rules-lite world of One Page Rules lately, and I finally had an opportunity to take…

  • Oathmark: Begovic spears

    Oathmark: Begovic spears

    Months ago I laid out my plan for expanding my SAGA warband into an Oathmark army. Deciding how grow my multiples-of-four units up to multiples of five, I settled on the obvious answer: buy more Oathmark Human Infantry! I remembered how much I enjoyed assembling and painting the first box and wanted to do it…

  • Speed painting Imperial Guard: Qirkirin AAT

    Speed painting Imperial Guard: Qirkirin AAT

    I came around to printing a Qirkirin Armored Assault Transport to shuttle my brave lads around the tabletop. It turned out well, so here’s how I did it. (Astute readers will notice I use this blog as the paint scheme journal I don’t keep otherwise.) Basic idea With this paint job I wanted to chase…

  • Speed painting Imperial Guard test models with oil paints

    Speed painting Imperial Guard test models with oil paints

    Inspiration Marco Frisoni mini painting tutorials get me excited to sit down and try things. When he tossed out a “this is already quite interesting” remark halfway through this week’s video on oil painting, I couldn’t help but think “you’re right Marco, I should speed paint an Imperial Guard army like this!” I’ve been orbiting…

  • Modular Frostgrave utility pieces

    Modular Frostgrave utility pieces

    I built several versatile terrain pieces to supplement the standard board tiles in our collaborative modular Frostgrave terrain board. These “utility pieces” are helpful for breaking up boring flat areas, blocking line of site, providing traversal, and approximating urban features. Let me give you a tour. Dungeon tiles and stackers I first learned about dungeon…

  • Our modular Frostgrave

    Our modular Frostgrave

    About a year ago my gaming group decided to collaborate on a terrain board to prepare for the release of Frostgrave 2nd Edition. After some back-and-forth in our Slack team, we agreed to build modular tiles using shared standards for certain key geometries and base coat colors. We could consult each other remotely, build in…

  • Mustering my SAGA troops for Oathmark

    Mustering my SAGA troops for Oathmark

    I plan to give Oathmark a try. With a SAGA: Age of Magic Great Kingdoms warband more or less finished and materials for a second The Horde warband on sprues, I decided to combine them into a rare alliance between the squabbling barons of Glostmurk in our homebrew world of Uthdyn. These petty nobles united…