Category: Uncategorized

  • Stargrave Quarantine 37: Hydroponics Bay

    Stargrave Quarantine 37: Hydroponics Bay

    Our crews were ambushed by Alien Bugs while scavenging the hydroponics bay of a derelict space station. Players and crews Paul brought over his Stargrave crew The Bareaga Rangers and a big tray of tyranids from his enormous collection. I could tell from the gleam in his eye that he was thrilled at the chance…

  • Sometimes I take a year off

    It is what it is Astute visitors will notice I’ve been dormant for 11 months. I could list the reasons, but they are boring and common and probably familiar to anyone here. Instead I’d like to report that I think I fixed my ActivePub plugin, so consider this a test missive to the Fediverse. Also,…

  • A quick Reddit farewell post and status update

    I have decided to leave Reddit and figure out how to operate in the Fediverse. This means I will likely become more active on this blog, and perhaps rename it to be more consistent with my other online handle orcs_illustrated. If anyone has experience using the ActivePub WordPress plug in please reach out. Meanwhile, visit…

  • Laserblade Battle Report: Debate on Thordis

    Laserblade Battle Report: Debate on Thordis

    As planet Thordis rises to sector prominence thanks to its peerless mastery of gene splicing, two rival sects of the Gospel of the Helix clash over the relic of a saint. With school out, I took advantage of the boredom to arrange a game of Laserblade with my kids. I showed them my whole sci-fi…

  • FiveCore Battle Report: Safehouse Raid at Containment Zone QN7

    Global Marshals intelligence has discovered an underground safehouse of the notorious Blossoms cartel. A Special Enforcement Team (SET) arrives to destroy the safehouse just as a cartel thug crew returns home from today’s robbery. Now the thugs scramble to preserve their hideout and destroy nearby evidence. My friend Mark and I got in a game…